

Today we had a Swedish journalist with photographer visiting. Last week we had visit from Norway and Saturday we’ll have another journalist visiting. Much interest from the media currently. Soon it’s time for the next open tour as well, busy days! The climate in the greenhouse is very summery now, normal Swedish summer temps. Outside […]

Spring cleaning

Busy days. Many things needs to happen at the same time. Seeds and seedlings nursed to give veggies later on, the greenhouse cleaned up after the winter, preparations for the first tour of the house, continuing with building stuff! Also a very rewarding time, as soon as the sun is out we have summer temperatures. […]

March rain

The rain is pouring down and melting the snow. The summer feels distant but things are starting to wake up in the greenhouse. The almond tree has been in full bloom a few weeks, tulips are pushing out of the ground. The strawberries are pushing new leafs as is the chives. Seeds has been sown […]

Nearly there…

Time flies… a long year of building since the last update, but now we are nearly there! Some more documentations then approval from the council. We have to move during easter either way so hoping to get the approval next week. There are still many things to complete but it’s totaly livable currently. Ending ths […]