After a hard weekend of infiltration bed building the first bed is operational!
Ca 20 m³ of sand(0-8) mixed with peat on top of the EPDM rubber and drainage pipes. 15 cm below the surface are 4 pipes that spreads the water which then infiltrates to the bottom and is collected by the drainage pipes. Took some time and sweat to get it in, thanks everyone that helped!
Anders Solvarm (ecorelief) who has designed the system, connected pipes left and right the recycling room (as well as shoveling a lot of sand).
Currently water is only circulating in the first bed, but enough to try to plant some things. The water is pumped up again from one of the tanks once the water has reached a certain level. Not any nutrients yet since there is no waste water to clean. Some regular soil added for nutrients and micro organisms. GO! cucumbers, tomatoes, paprika, basil, strawberries!
Automatic watering is nice 🙂
Took the long way back from the neighbours after coffee. Starting to look nice.
Det är väldigt kul att få följa med lite vad som händer med det här bygget! Kommer spänt läsa vad som kommer senare.